East End
High School
, South Hill, VA
1953 - 1969
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Hazel Alexander (1961)
Julius Roscoe Alexander (1955)
Legenza Alexander (1961)
Rebecca Alexander (1962)
Mattie Baskerville (1965)
Thomas Baskerville (1965)
Virginia L. Baskerville (Jones) (1957)
Mildred Bell (Oakley) (1957)
Anne Boome (Myers) (1964)
Sindy A. Brown (Nelson) (1957)
Rebecca Coleman (1962)
Robert Coleman (1961)
Christine A. Crenshaw (Gibson) (1957)
Ada Davis (Tisdale) (1963)
Charlie Davis (1964)
Ethel Davis (1965)
Jennie Davis (Tanksley) (1960)
Mary Davis (Middleton) (1958)
Marjorie Evans (Reed) (1963)
Velma Evans (McCray) (1964)
Mildred Fields (Jessup) (1965)
Henry Green (1957)
Prestley Hayes (1962)
Juanita Hendricks (1962)
Alfreda Hicks (Hendricks) (1963)
Clarence Hicks (1968)
Vivian Hicks (Smith) (1957)
Edith Holmes (Lafalaise) (1970)
Gloria Holmes (Phelps) (1969)
Roy E. Howell (1958)
Gloria Jiggetts (Badley) (1966)
Mildred Johnson (Jessup) (1965)
Rebecca Johnson (1962)
Adelean Jones (1962)
Daniel Jones (1957)
Dianetta Jones (Gladden) (1969)
Gertrude Jones (Hicks) (1969)
Mary Catherine Jones (Howell) (1958)
Lucy Mayo (Formey) (1966)
Rosa Lee Mayo (1954)
Mary Sue Merritte (1965)
Hattie Newell (Antione) (1960)
Lorraine Ogburn (Ball) (1955)
Bertha Pettus (1960)
Leslie Powell (1966)
James Robinson (1962)
Anna Rogers (1956)
Clementine Talley (Jiggetts) (1957)
Franklin Thomas (1954)
Annie Thrower (Russell) (1954)
Barbara Thrower (Goodwin) (1956)
Alice Tisdale (Harrell) (1966)
Robert L. Tisdale (1963)
Thelma Walker (Taylor) (1969)
Grace Williams (1969)
Carrie Wright (Ritter) (1954)
Charlie Wyman (1965)
James L. Wynn (1955)