East End
High School
, South Hill, VA
1953 - 1969
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Duke W. Alexander
Esther Alexander (Smith)
Shirley Alexander (Foxworth)
Washington Alexander
Shirley Alston (Tinsley)
Lola Ashe
Mason Ashe
Chris Bacon
Thelma Bagley (Howell)
George Banks
Hattie Barner
Veronica Barnes (Walton)
Delores Baskerville (Garrison)
Mattie Baskerville
Raymond L. Baskerville
Shirley A. Baskerville (Jeffers)
Susan Baskerville
Thomas Baskerville
Earnestine Bell (Butler)
Eugene Bell
Eugene Bracey
Patricia Bracey
Norburn Bragg
Edward Brown
Isabelle Brown
Sylvania Brown (Batchelor)
Wayne Brown
Janet Carroll
Alfred Champ
James Chavis
Jennie Clary (Shaw)
Nellie Clary (Lyles)
Polly Coleman (Ellis)
Curtis Crenshaw
Sylvia Crenshaw (Beaty)
Ethel Davis
James Davis
Jerome Drummond
Lucretia A. Ellis
Doris Ann Evans (Goodwin)
Eleanor L. Evans (Smith)
Shirley Evans (Clay)
Archie Farrar
Charles L. Farrar
John & Clara Farrar
Kenneth Farrar
Virginia Farrar
Arthur Feggins
Mildred Fields (Jessup)
Jerry Ghee
Charles M. Gregory
Edward Gregory
Mary Jane Gregory (Gwynn)
Yvonne Gregory
Wilbert Harris
Sonny Haskins
Dorothy Hayes
Mildred Hayes
Richard Hayes
Joyce Hendrick
Lander Hendricks
Carolyn Hepburn (White)
Willie G. Hicks
Edith Holmes (Chavis)
Calvin C. Howell
Thelma Howell
Samuel Hutcheson
Robert J. Jeffers
Mildred Johnson (Jessup)
Verbena Johnson (Marks)
Bobbie Lee Johnson, Jr
Drewry Jones
Edna Jones (Cherry)
Gloria Jones (Murphy)
James Jones
Lillian Jones
Melvina Jones (Pulliam)
Norfleet Jones
Solomon C. Jones
Whitman Jones
Albert Kizzie
Mary E. Lee (Crudup)
Norietta Marks (Evans)
Mary Martin (Roulhac)
Robert Meredith
Martha Merritte (Hutcheson)
Mary Sue Merritte
Deloris Mitchell (Powell)
Elah Newby
Teresa Ogburn (Evans)
Cora Pettus (Johnson)
Shirley Pettus (McAllister)
Carl Powell
Frankie Ragsdale
Laura Ragsdale
James Rainey
Lily Rainey (Shivers)
Geraldine Robinson
Lucy Robinson
Carol Russell
Sidney A. Russell
Patricia Seward
Zela Shaw (Evans)
Hilda Simmons (Rainey)
Alice Smith (Williams)
Inell B. Smith (Jones)
Lottie Smith (Sturdivant)
William Lee Smith
Robert Staples
Samuel Staples
Eunice Stone (Sanders)
Cecil Sturdivant
James Sturdivant
Joyce Sturdivant (Lawson)
Thelma Sykes (Jones)
Annie Talley (Bacon)
Ardell Tanner
Mary Lou Terry (Jackson)
Melvin Thomas
Minnie Thompson
Odessa Thompson (Reynolds)
Robert S. Thompson
Ruth Thompson
Rachel Thorne (Brooks)
David Tisdale
Elgie Townes
Tommy Valentine
Alvin Walker
Evelyn Walker (Couch)
Hugie Walker
John W. Walker
Robert S. Walker
Marjorie Whisonant (Boyd)
Larry Whittle
Ethel Williams (Dunson)
Jacqueline Wright (Holmes)
Charlie Wyman
Lottie M. Wyman (Johnson)
Calvin Wynn
Gloria Wynn (Thomas)
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