East End
High School
, South Hill, VA
1953 - 1969
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Dorothy Alexander (Hendricks)
Herbert A. Alexander
Lillie Mae Alexander
Ruth Alexander (Carrington)
Susan B. Barnes
Charles Baskerville
Leonard E. Baskerville
Virginia L. Baskerville (Jones)
Christine Bell (Lawson)
Edith Bell (Williams)
Mildred Bell (Oakley)
Bertha L. Boyd (Smith)
William Boyd
Hezekiah Boyd, Jr.
Alfred Bracey
J. Franklin Bragg
James Brooks
Sindy A. Brown (Nelson)
Lois Yvonne Chambers
Christine A. Crenshaw (Gibson)
Garland R. Crute, Jr.
Alice Louise Davis
Annie Davis (Allen)
Annie Pearl Davis
Robert Davis
William L. Davis
William Davis, Jr.
George B. Evans
Mary E. Evans
Virginia Evans (Miller)
Willie Evans
Henry Evans, Jr.
Freddie Farrar
Hazel J. Feggins (Henley)
Lula Mae Feggins (Divers)
Maggie Feggins (Garner)
Mozelle Feggins
William Earl Ghee
Esther Goode (Lewis)
Frances Goode
Joseph Lee Goode
Alice Green (McFails)
Elsie Green (Harris)
Henry Green
Mary Greene
Edythe Gregory (Mushaw)
Florence Gregory (Smith)
Joe Louis Gregory
Nelson Lee Gregory
Harvey Lynn Gregory, Jr.
Mildred Hansard (McMillian)
Thentress Hardy Jr
John A. Harper, Sr.
Eldridge Harris
Freddie Harris
Lizzie Harris (Gregory)
Martha Harris (Jones)
Robert M. Harris
William Harris
Johnnie Harris, Jr.
Freddie Hatcher
Josephine Hatcher
Eddie Hayes
Willis Hepburn, Jr.
Vivian Hicks (Smith)
Alice Holmes (Morton)
Gladys L. Hubbard (Wynn)
Lillie Hudgins (Smith)
Shirley Hudgins (Walker)
Joe Louis Hutcheson
John Hutcheson
Carolyn R. Jackson (Thomas)
John E. Jackson
Lena Myrna Jackson
Robert Jackson, Jr.
Charlie V. Jiggetts
Carrie Eva Jones
Daniel Jones
Doris Jones
Grace Jones (Claiborne)
Howard Jones
John Clifton Jones
John W. Jones
Muriel Jones (Whitaker)
Talmadge Jones
Thomas L. Jones
Robert Lee Jones, Jr.
Juanita King (Lyons)
Miller W Lawson
Alfred M. Malone
Annie J. Mayo (Floyd)
Dorothy Merritte
Louise Moore (Leslie)
Dorothy Moseley
Lula Mae Newby
James C. Newell
Nannie L. Noel (Hayes)
Annie E. Northington (Boyd)
Juanita Ogburn
Margaret R. Ogburn
Pricilla Patillo (Macklin)
Bernita G. Pettus
Shirley Pettus (Simpson)
Mamie Sue Phillips
Willie G. Powell
Fannie Rose Pulliam
Janet M. Rainey
Jeanette Rainey
Daisy Lee Robinson (McIveen)
Esther Robinson (Young)
Julius Robinson
Hiawatha Rogers
Roberta Rowlette
Elma Dan Sally
Thurman Sally
James Seward
Paul Seward
Benjamin F. Simmons
Calvin Skipwith
Virginia Lee Smith (Thomas)
Thomas Smith, Jr.
Mary M. Sydnor
Clementine Talley (Jiggetts)
Eugene Talley-Wright
Martha Taylor (Rollins)
Melvin Taylor
Carolyn Thomas
Doris Thomas (Wilson)
Minnie Sue Thomas
Willie Tisdale
Tilford Townes
Melvin Valentine
Cleveland Walker
Jim Henry Walker
Henry Walters
James M. Warren
Benjamin F. Whittle
Lonnie Mae Whittle (Purefoy)
Caleb Williams
Gracy Lee Williams
Morris Winckler
Gladys Wynn
Walter R. Young, Jr.
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